May 4, 2017 in Moving and Relocating

What Facilities Should the Removal Service Offer to its Clients?

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The Man and Van Slough service is essential to any move, whether big or small. It may be a family moving to another city or a student moving back home from their hostel. Moving is already a physically and mentally exhausting task but the additional burden of transporting luggage makes it even more tiresome. This is why a good Man and Van Slough service is very important. There are a number of facilities that a Man and Van Slough service can offer to make the job more efficient.

GPS-equipped vans

man and VanA GPS system saves time by guaranteeing swift navigation and ensuring that the quickest route is being followed to the destination. This saves time and makes the transportation more efficient.

Man and Van Slough blankets and packing material

These should be offered to protect goods from damage in transit. Items like bubble wraps and Styrofoam are included to ensure protection on the road.

Dismantling and reassembling furniture

Bigger pieces of furniture such as wardrobes and beds should be dismantled and later reassembled by the workers at the destination. This allows for easy transference of luggage and saves space. Providing this service also frees the clients from having to do it themselves. Upon reaching, the workers should also take care of shifting the packed boxes to the areas and rooms pointed out by the clients so they do not have to do the lifting that they may be incapable of.

Wide area coverage and 24/7 timings

It is not always convenient to book a moving van during the day due to any number of reasons. The family may have to go to work or might be preoccupied with other things. This is why providing a night service is very beneficial. Furthermore, for people moving a great distance away, a van service covering a short range would be useless. Providing wide area coverage would invite many more customers.

Reliable workers

As this job requires trusting strangers with your most prized possessions, it is the duty of the management to ascertain that every employee is trustworthy. They should be honest, hardworking, cooperative and friendly. Moreover, they should be experienced, not clumsy or careless. The management should run a background check to guarantee that they do not have a criminal record.

Storage facilities

Sometimes, it is not possible to make the move immediately, but you still need to store miscellaneous items while in the process of vacating your former residence. This is when storage facilities offered by Man and Van Slough removal services are very useful. Their service packs and safely stores your possessions at a certain amount paid until you are ready to take them with you to your new house.
Moving is something that requires a great deal of time and stamina. This is why professionals are hired to help you through the process. This frees you from doing heavy lifting, leaving it to those trained for the task. It is the responsibility of the Man and Van Slough Removal service to make arrangements ensuring that the move is as hassle-free and convenient as can be. By offering these provisions, they are likely to attract more clientele and good reviews.

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